
Centera Photonics an optoelectronic SoC (system on chip) design house specialized in silicon photonic device design, development and technology integrations.,We are pioneering the integration of optoelectronic devices of interconnect transceivers over the silicon MEMS platform. Along with our semiconductor fabrication expertise, we manufacture the optical engine via (silicon) wafer level process with high precision and small form factors.

Centera’s target markets are hyperscale datacenters, enterprise datacenters, cloud computing, high performance computing, storage and consumer electronics/home entertainment. Together with our OEM foundry partnersCentera continues to improve our products by quality management system (QMS), continuous improvement plans (CIP) audit and certifications towards total customer satisfactions. Our vision is to provide prominent photonic products via silicon by our state-of-art designs and cutting edge production technologies to meet next generation optical communication needs.